Aivars Zvidris

Gardener – horticulture specialist, landscape design and technical maintenance specialist

Property manager – detached houses, apartments, villas, chateau, industrial objects, gardens and parks 

The dynamic relationship between nature and the gardener — a perpetual cycle of growth, challenges, and nurturing.
Айвар Звидрис Aivars Zvidris landscape gardener & property manager


University of Latvia

Bulduri Horticultural School

LR ZM State plant protection service - professional plant protection specialist (2.class)

Work Safety Center - work at height, work on roof at height, work at height in hardly available areas, scaffold works, steeplejack works

Work Safety Center - chain saw/brush cutter operator

Author of a great variety of articles published in magazines related to property management and gardening

Professional experience:

Property management and gardening – in France, Italy, Slovakia, Germany, Latvia & Estonia

Morberga Villa (Jurmala, Latvia) - 2022-2023

Chateau de Villette (France, Ile de France) - head gardener

Villa Astor (Italy, Sorrento) - head gardener

Experience from the year 2005


- 2 best garden 2023 titles in Jurmala city

- best garden 2022 title in Jurmala city

- 8 honour diplomas for garden maintenance and service quality 2022-2023

Fields of Competence:

Property management – conclusion of agreements, supervision and management of payments processing, full technical maintenance of objects and units, management of vehicle fleet, including motorbike and water vehicle, owners’ personal tasks. Full privacy of the tasks performed

Gardening – garden maintenance, garden design and set up, selection of plants and delivery of materials, any technical solutions for your garden.

Technical works – full technical maintenance of objects and technical units. Managing of household register and registration of readings

Aircraft, automobile, motor and vessel transport fleet – technical inspection, repairing works, diagnostics, transportation, supervision, storage and other owners’ tasks. All type of transport. On a confidential basis.

Owners’ individual tasks – efficient assistance and personal approach in problem solving

Change of place of residence – packing and transportation of personal belongins, units of furniture and transport, other tasks which may arise while moving to another house. Worldwide

I provide real estate management services as follows:

  • Facilities management (FM) — I am responsible for maintenance and direct servicing of real estate, gardens and transport fleet. Fixed remuneration
  • Property management (PM) — I am dealing exceptionally with renting out. A fixed percentage rate from profit or turnover is taken

I provide gardener-horticulturist services:

  • Consultations and design of gardens— from ideas concerning surface pattern to approved project of garden of park
  • Realisation of project and real garden set up — realisation of project or repairing-renovation of a current garden and park
  • Garden and park maintenance – horticultural activities

Aivars Zvidris:

- nature creates work

- nature creates work for gardener

The dynamic relationship between nature and the gardener — a perpetual cycle of growth, challenges, and nurturing.

Original in latvian:

- daba rada darbu 

- daba rada darbu dārzniekam